CKD has an exceptional track record of successful sales of prime Country Estates, Houses, Farms and Sporting Property across a range of values.
We have advised on the sale of blocks of farmland, country houses, grouse moors, fishing rights, commercial farms and some of the finest Country Estates in the UK. Our knowledge of these specialist markets and our connections to the buyers who are active is market leading.
CKD operates across England, Scotland and Wales. The geographic range and type of property we deal with means there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each client, each property is different and needs a tailor-made sale strategy to unlock the best possible outcome. We are specialists in private sales, often preferred by both buyers and sellers who covet discretion, control and flexibility.
Our business model is not to place importance on market share or take on business for the sake of it. We act for a relatively small number of clients and give them the attention they deserve. We therefore have the time and freedom to create a strategy that is optimal for the client, rather than force the client into a strategy to suit us. Our track record of success is compelling.